Equipping Groups exist to equip believers for life and ministry through Sunday morning classes focused on biblical studies, theology & doctrine, and practical discipleship.

In Ephesians 4:12, Paul encourages pastors to equip Christians so that they can do the work of the ministry. In other words, he wants believers prepared to live in this world as faithful disciples of Christ. The purpose of Equipping Groups is to work toward this goal, and we achieve it by offering courses that delve into three tracks of study: Biblical Studies, Theology & Doctrine, and Practical Discipleship. During these classes, a few teachers instruct our members and guests on particular topics, which change every quarter.

We encourage you to attend one of these groups! We offer Equipping Group classes at both 9:00am and at 10:45am, so that you can attend either one of our worship services. Below is a schedule of where they meet and the specific topics taught each quarter. If you have any questions, please email our Equipping Pastor.

We also offer one Liberty Students Equipping Group at 10:45am for students in the 6th-12th grade. For information about what we provide for children from 6 months through 5th grade, see our Liberty Kids page!

9:00AM Adult Equipping Groups

+ Theology & Doctrine Track

Topic: A Bit about Angels: What You Should Know and Why You Should Care

Location: Fellowship Hall A

Teacher: Jeremy Schwinger

Description: Thirty-four books of the Bible speak of angels, who appear throughout Scripture from the Creation all the way to the Consummation. Also, notably, their story is in many ways interwoven with that of man, and they are involved in many key events associated with both Christ's First and Second Comings. And yet, within Christendom today, there is much ignorance and confusion over angels. This course will present a Biblical overview of angels, both fallen and unfallen, to equip believers to better understand the role, nature and significance of angels and also see how they, as all created things, reflect God's glory in their own unique way.

10:45AM Adult Equipping Groups

+ Biblical Studies Track

Topic: Galatians

Location: Fellowship Hall A

Teacher: Pastor Aaron Trent and Pastor Joseph Kester

Description: What does it mean to be a Christian? Am I required to keep the Old Testament law? How can I grow in my Christian walk? What is the gospel? If you've asked yourself these questions, we want to invite you to study the book of Galatians with us this winter. In this class, we will explore the power of the gospel, the greatness of our Savior, and the freedom that comes with being adopted into the family of God.

+ Liberty Students Track

Topic: The Gospel Project: Overview of Exodus

Location: Liberty Students Room

Teachers: Description: We continue our study of the Old Testament. As we trace God’s plan of redemption through Exodus, students will be led through portions of Exodus, taught to ask questions and make observations of the text, and guided in learning how God’s Word applies to their lives. Let’s pray for our students as they continue to learn how to study Scripture!