Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the details for our One-Service Sundays, August 15th, 22nd, and 29th!
In his sermon from Luke 24, Pastor Nathan provided us with six ways that we can identify the “crimson line of atoning sacrifice” as we read the Old Testament, to help us discern how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament and to read our Bible the way the Holy Spirit intended. When you read from the Old Testament this year, consider each of these categories as you look to find Jesus in each text you read!
A church building isn’t more important than the people who inhabit it, but the ministry opportunities it allows can and should impact eternity. The boards and bricks will not last, but the lives transformed within the walls made of boards and bricks certainly will. We can impact eternity together, and our building is one of our greatest ministry tools.
Beginning this Sunday, September 26th, we will begin taking the Lord’s Supper together again during indoor worship services. As we will begin collecting the elements in a different way than we have before indoors, we encourage you to read our new plan below.