In Acts 2:42-47, we see that a healthy church should be devoted to prayer. Here are several ways we can be praying for Liberty Baptist Church.

  1. Pray that LBC would be a HUL church:

    1. Holy: that we would be devoted to God and obedient to his commands

    2. United: that we would be united in purpose and mission

    3. Loving: that we would love God, one another, and our neighbors well

  2. Pray that we would fulfill the Great Commission, by being and making disciples of our families and members.

  3. Pray that we would see and seize evangelism opportunities in our community, among our neighbors, and in our families.

  4. Pray that we would see lost people as God sees them, and that we would be burdened for them in light of eternity.

  5. Pray for our missionaries and mission endeavors, that we would support, send, and go faithfully to the nations to take the gospel to the unreached and unengaged.

  6. Pray that God would provide land and a building so that we can worship together again as a whole church family.

While there are many things you can be praying for LBC, hopefully these will help you to pray for our church family in the coming weeks and months.