By: Marc Turnage

Much has been said of the unprecedented time we currently face with the COVID-19 pandemic. As the situation continues and keeps us from meeting face-to-face, I have taken time to consider many different sides of our circumstances--as a deacon, as the chair of our Finance Committee, and as a church member. I pray that you consider how you can continue to provide for each other, how the church can provide for you, and how you can provide for the church.

  1. How members can provide for each other: Between physical distancing and the halting of our corporate worship and church gatherings, the need for community and care for each other is extremely important now. The LBC staff has been making weekly grocery runs to limit individuals from having to expose themselves to the public. If you are in a low-risk category and have the time to assist in this, reach out to the church and help serve in this way. Even if you cannot assist with meeting physical needs right now, pick up the phone and reach out to a member. You can reach out to those from your community or equipping groups, or simply open the Breeze App and go down the list. Self-isolation can lead to very lonely moments; let’s keep in contact and remind each other that we are in this together.

  2. How the church can provide for the members: As mentioned earlier, Liberty Baptist is currently making grocery runs for members. If you would like to take advantage of this ministry, please reach out to the church office. As always, the church also has a benevolence fund in place to assist in taking care of members’ needs. Deacon Mike Rzepka oversees this fund and assist in either providing monetary help or in directing other resources to assist in times of need. Taking care of each other spiritually and physically is an essential part of belonging to a local body, so please do not hesitate to reach out if you need assistance in any way.

  3. How members can provide for the church: While we are all going through this pandemic together, everyone’s situation is different. If you have the ability, continue to give regularly to the church. Your financial contributions can be mailed to the church or you can give online via the church’s website. Continuing to give will ensure that the physical building is maintained, and more importantly, that we are providing for our church staff and ongoing ministry during this time. Another way members can give above and beyond during this time is to prayerfully consider donating a portion of your government stimulus check to the church. If you are able, this is a great way to accelerate LBC’s vision of bringing the gospel to the nations and reuniting our body in one service.

I pray that our church would be seen during this time as a body of believers that trusts completely in the Lord. I pray that each of you will reach out and assist in providing for each other, that you will let the church know how the church can care for you, and that the vision of the church will be advanced through this difficult time.