Dear Church Family,

This summer (from June 4-August 27), we will have one equipping group class on the church covenant during both the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services. In this overview of the church covenant, the teachers will examine the Biblical texts behind the wording of the covenant to help us see the Biblical reasons for what the covenant says.

If you are less familiar with church covenants or even our church covenant in particular, we invite you to join one of these classes to learn more. In short, Baptist Churches since the Reformation have had church covenants, and they have been used as a helpful tool to summarize the Biblical teaching on ethical obligations that members of a local church have towards one another. In this way, they are like a statement of faith which summarizes what Christians believe (as Southern Baptists, our statement of faith is the Baptist Faith and Message 2000), except a church covenant summarizes what we are agreeing to do as members of our local church. We are hopeful that this class will help our church grow in unity as we better understand what the Scriptures teach about our responsibilities to one another.

The reason we are only having one class this summer is primarily due to the fact that attendance in the summer has historically been low. Only having one class also allows our teachers to get a break. We are very thankful for all of our teachers and how they serve our church!

If you have any questions or concerns about the summer plan for Equipping Groups, please email pastor Tyler at

We are grateful for you, church family. We are praying for you and love you.

Your Pastors